Stanton Bliss: Stanton Page 2
“This is Bullshit. Why aren’t Abbie and Didge helping us with this crap?”
“They are going to the beach.”
Cameron shakes his head as he starts to re-climb the tree. “If I ever get married, Stan, you are going to pay, and I’m going to the beach while you do all this shit.”
I smile and turn my attention to Brock. “Don’t let her out of your sight.”
“I won’t.”
“Not for even a second,” I warn.
“I know, I know. Relax.”
Brock and I have somehow turned a corner, It turns out Tash was right and perhaps we do have a lot in common after all. He was there for me in my darkest of days, even visiting me in prison. His support means a lot to Tash, therefore it means a lot to me, too. I turn my attention to Max.
His eyes meet mine. “Yes.”
“You won’t be working tonight.”
His face falls. “Oh,” he mutters, sounding dejected.
“I want you at the wedding as a guest, a friend of ours.”
He drops his head and smiles at the ground.
“And I also want to thank you.”
He looks up and frowns. “For what?”
“For staying by Natasha’s side when she needed you the most.”
He smiles a relieved smile and Ben slaps him on the back.
“Getting pathetic now, Stanton?” Brock questions, as he raises a brow.
I look at him straight faced “Don’t make me hurt you, Marx.”
“As if.” He shakes his head as he and Max start to walk up the stone stairs that hug the cliff.
“Three hours!” I call after them.
“Yes,” They both reply in a bored voice.
“And don’t let her out of your sight,” I repeat.
They ignore me and keep walking.
My attention turns to Cameron who is now up the ladder, he looks down at me and shakes his head. “There is no way in Hell they will be back in three hours.”
I shake my head in defeat. “Tell me something I don’t already know.”
I slowly button up my white, crisp shirt as I look in the mirror.
Its my wedding day.
A day I thought had been stolen forever.
She’s back.
I drop my head and smile.
My girl is back, along with my appetite, my sex drive and my freedom.
“Stop fucking smiling. You’re getting all creepy?” Cameron tuts from his place next to me as he pulls up his pants.
I throw him a wink and smile broadly again.
“Photo time,” Murph states as he starts to snap photos with his camera. Cameron grabs his crotch and sticks out his tongue while Ben smirks from his place at the end of the bed.
Adrian drops the camera. “I don’t have my magnifying glass on the camera. You idiot. Put it away,” he replies dryly.
Cameron shrugs. “Like you would need to zoom to see this lizard. It’s a beast.” He grabs his crotch again and shakes it.
I roll my eyes as Adrian screws up his face in disgust. “God, you’re an animal. Who calls their dick a Lizard beast?”
Cameron shrugs again. “If the shoe fits.”
“You’re a tool,” Ben mutters under his breath, shaking his head.
Cameron rearranges his tie in the mirror next to me while I pull up my pants.
“You need to hurry,” Adrian snaps. He has been ready for over an hour. We are in the second house and Natasha and the girls are in the main house.
I do up my fly and the pants fall straight down over my hips, causing Adrian’s face falls in horror. He holds his hands up in a stop sign. “Oh my fucking God! Tell me those pants fit you?”
“Shit.” I pull them up again and they fall straight back down. I’ve lost a lot of weight.
Adrian puts both of his hands on his cheeks in horror as his eyes widen. “Do we have a fucking belt?”
I turn and walk into Adrian’s wardrobe and look around.
“I don’t have one!” Adrian shrieks as his eyes flicker around to the boys. “Do you have one? Cameron, Ben, does anyone have a belt?”
I shrug. “Maybe in my wardrobe in the other house, I don’t know. I’m usually in board shorts the whole time I’m here. I’ve never needed one before.”
Adrian runs his hands through his hair in a panic before he looks at his watch. “This is a disaster. Ben, can you go next door and find us a belt, please?” He looks like he’s about to hyperventilate and Ben disappears out of the room.
Dad walks into the room with Wilson and Scott, handing us all a beer.
“A toast.” He smiles.
My heart rate instantly rises and I’m so grateful that I have him here with me today.
“To the unbreakable Stantons,” he announces proudly.
Four words are all it takes to bring a lump to my throat. Four small words that mean more to me than he will ever know. I recited them repeatedly to myself in prison on the day Natasha and I were originally supposed to get married.
They saved my life.
“To the unbreakable Stantons,” we echo as we clink our bottles together.
I smile as he wraps his arms around me and gives me a strong hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m proud of you, son.”
I nod and smile as emotion steals my words.
Ben re-enters the room and shakes his head.
Adrian’s eyes widen in horror. “What?” he snaps.
“No belt.”
“This is my worst nightmare,” he whispers.
I smile at the floor and raise a brow. Give me a break. Not having a belt is far from my nightmares.
My eyes glance up to the stone staircase for the hundredth time as my heart hammers in my chest.
“She changed her mind,” Cameron whispers. “Smart woman. She’s currently on her way to Ibiza.”
I throw him a glare and Adrian chuckles.
Eight years and it all comes down to this – this moment in time where we become one.
A united family.
A broad smile instantly crosses my face as the thought runs through my mind.
I inhale deeply. What the fuck is taking them so long? I turn back to Ben who is sitting in the front row. “What time did they get back from the beach?” I frown.
Max smirks. “Relax. She’s fine. I checked on her half an hour ago. She’s ready to go.”
I nod nervously and blow out a breath. Ok, relax. I shake my head and look at the ground as my nerves, once again, steal my rationality.
“Here they come,” Adrian whispers and my eyes instantly flick to the top of the stone staircase. I see them. First Abbie, then Bridget.
I feel like I can’t breathe.
A smile spreads across my face as my girl comes into focus on Brock’s arm, the wind whipping through her hair.
She looks gorgeous… and not because she is wearing a sexier than hell wedding dress – although, that could have a lot to do with it.
It’s her smile.
Her strength.
Her courage, and the love that has shone through to me since she has been found.
I always knew she was strong, but I had no idea to what depth.
Her eyes lock on mine as she walks down the stairs like a rock star without one single hesitation.
God, I love this woman.
She is wearing a fitted, white satin dress, and her hair is down and full with a large white flower tucked behind one ear. I have never seen anything more beautiful and I feel myself harden as a wave of emotion hits me like a tsunami. Fuck… not now.
I have to stop myself from running up the stairs to greet her, to pull her down to me. Hurry up!
I watch intently with my heart in my throat and, after what seems like an eternity, she arrives at the bottom of the staircase before making her way to the alter on our ledge.
“Hello.” She smiles softly.
“Hello,” I whisper, and before I can stop myself, I have her in my ar
ms and I’m kissing her gently on the lips. I haven’t seen her all day and I’ve missed her so desperately. Tash closes her eyes and kisses me back, then again, and before either of us know what’s happening, we are kissing passionately and our friends are all laughing.
We eventually pull apart from each other in realization of what we are doing.
Fucking hell, reign it in, Stanton.
There is a time and a place, and at the alter, on your wedding day, with everyone watching isn’t it.
The memory of us making out on the dance floor, that first night at Scott’s wedding, comes to the forefront of my mind, and I have to bite my bottom lip to hold back my grin
What is it about us and weddings?
The minister moves forward and smiles warmly. “Can you take each others hands please?”
My eyes flick to the minister, Father Joseph. I flew him in from L.A. yesterday. I had to be positive that the marriage was legal, and the only way I could ensure that was to get him here myself.
Natasha and I face each other and she giggles loudly.
“Holy crap. We are getting married!” she exclaims excitedly as she lifts her flower bouquet in the air. Everyone bursts into laughter and I melt as my eyes hold hers. That is such a Natasha thing to say.
And then I’m transfixed.
I watch my beautiful Natasha declare her love with her sacred wedding vows and I watch as she slides the gold band on my finger. I, in return declare mine vows to her and slide the gold band onto her finger.
She slowly leans forward and tenderly places her hand on my cheek and kisses me, sweeter than anything I have ever experienced, longed for with all of my heart. I feel myself well up and blink to stop myself from crying. The love on the ledge, both between us and from our families, is so strong that I’m sure it could be felt from another galaxy, it’s such a tangible force. I pull out of her kiss and glance around to see everyone seems to be feeling the same way, all of them wiping their eyes, overcome with emotion. Even Ben has a tear in his eye. Nothing has ever felt so right and so damn well fucking deserved. This is a fight the whole family has fought.
Fought and won.
The victors.
The victor is love.
I desperately wish I could bottle this perfect moment in time so I could replay it again and again throughout my life.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
Through teary eyes Natasha laughs, leans closer, and tenderly cups my face.
“Kiss me, my husband.”
Our lips touch and I am lost.
The weather has been flawless, just like the night. It’s still and just coming on to eight o’clock. Joshua and I have been married for approximately three fabulous hours and I can’t wipe the stupid smile from my face. A large, long table sits underneath the tree, covered in white linen tablecloths. Overhead branches are adorned with fairy lights, while candles and beautiful flowers embellish the table. We are drinking the most ridiculously expensive champagne known to man and everyone is laughing and chatting loudly. Large lanterns are lit around the perimeter, and music is being piped out to the entire space. It’s magical, to say the least. Never, in my wildest of wild dreams, could I have imagined that I would get married in such a heavenly place. We have just eaten a beautiful meal and now we’re all mingling and laughing. This is the most relaxed we have both been for a very long time, and I feel a deep, sated happiness, relieved that we have finally done it.
We are legally married.
I keep catching Joshua looking at the ring on his hand while talking as if not believing it has actually happened. I know how he feels. I can hardly believe it myself.
The waitresses pour everyone another champagne and Joshua stands at the table. Cameron taps the side of his glass with his fork and everyone takes their seat back at their designated spaces. I sit next to Joshua and he places his hand on my shoulder affectionately.
The table falls silent as they wait for his speech, and he seemingly pulls himself together, as if preparing to be serious.
He smiles and swallows nervously. “I would like to thank everyone for coming to celebrate with us.” He raises his glass as if finished and everyone laughs. Oh, he’s nervous. My heart melts for my beautiful man and I grab his hand in a reassuring gesture.
He hesitates as his face falls solemn and he drops his head. He looks to the empty place next to my mum and the candle that’s burning there. My dad’s empty place at the table. My eyes instantly cloud over.
“John.” He hesitates again and the table falls deathly silent. “There.” His voice cracks and he stops. A tear falls onto my cheek and I squeeze his hand just that little bit harder.
“There isn’t a day goes by when you are not in my thoughts.”
Mum drops her head in sadness but Bridget grabs her hand.
“I go over it again and again. Wondering if I did things differently, would you still be here with us?”
He hesitates and my blurry eyes stare up at him.
Brock drops his head in sadness, too, and I hear Bridget sniff loudly.
“The only relief I have is the hope that you will rest in peace knowing that I will spend the rest of my life ensuring your daughter’s happiness. Nobody could ever love her more than I do.”
The bittersweet tears run down my face before I quickly wipe them away.
I will not be sad today. I will not be sad today. I will not be sad today.
“More than any other day, I wish you were here today, celebrating our love with us.”
Joshua raises his glass. “To John.”
Everyone raises their glasses. “To John.” They repeat sadly.
He regains his composure and he raises his glass to our guests. “To you lot.” He smiles broadly and everyone chuckles. “You have had to endure more in the last few months than any friendship should ever have to endure.”
Cameron interjects. “Amen to that!”
Everyone laughs out loud.
Joshua smirks at his beloved brother and continues his speech. “And yet you have all been so loyal and so committed to us.” He hesitates and I know he is becoming emotional. “We will never be able to thank you enough for everything you have done and the tears you have shed for us.” He raises his glass happily. “To you lot.”
Everyone smiles, nods and raises their glass in agreement. “To us lot.” They all laugh.
He turns his attention to me, and I smile as I hold my breath.
“Natasha,” he whispers.
I smile through my tears.
“For two days I have been trying to get this speech right in my head with what I want to say.” He frowns. “But how do I put into words how I feel about you?”
I smile.
“Words fall short,” he whispers.
Oh, I love this man. I place my hand over my heart as I literally swoon all over the table.
“There aren’t enough words or stars in the sky.”
I smile. Could he be any more perfect?
“So I am just going to say it like it is.” He smirks.
Abbie and Bridget raise their glasses at me. This speech is going to be super romantic, I just know it. I smile broadly in anticipation.
“You are a beautiful, intelligent, uncoordinated drama queen.”
My mouth drops open in horror and the table erupts into laughter. This is not at all what any of us were expecting.
He holds his hands up to order silence as his smile erupts.
“A beautiful slut who I fucking adore.”
The table once more erupts into loud laughter. Oh my God, this is the worst wedding speech ever. My eyes flick to Mum who gives me a wink and smiles broadly while I put my hand over my mouth in horror and laugh.
“I can’t wait to teach you to ride horses.” He raises his brow sarcastically.
My mouth drops open again and I slap his thigh. “Joshua.” I laugh.
“And make you wear Jodhpurs.” The table’s laughter gets louder
Oh, this is beyond pale.
“Not happening.” I smirk, as I shake my head.
He holds his hands up to quieten everyone back down again. “No, no. On a serious note.”
Everyone listens attentively and he bends to kiss the back of my hand – a simple gesture that means so, so much to me.
“I love you with all of my heart.”
Everyone gushes, and I melt.
He raises his glass for the final time. “To Natasha. My love. My life.” He raises his eyebrows cheekily. “My wife.” The table cheers loudly. “And her breathtaking smile.”
Chapter 2
I stand at the handrail and stare out to ocean as the sea breeze whips over my skin. My thoughts are on my father and the fun he would have had here tonight. It’s a bittersweet moment of reflection, one that I know every member of our family has felt heavily, today more than ever.
He is deeply missed, but with every dark thought that I have, a new thought of hope takes its place.
We did it. We made it. Joshua Stanton is my husband.
I hold out my hand and stare lovingly at the beautiful rings on my finger. They mean so much more to me than mere diamonds and gold. They’re a symbol of love and our ultimate commitment. A symbol of our bravery.
Happiness surrounds me. Our families are dancing and laughing loudly as they talk over the music. Joshua is relaxed for the first time since I have returned, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel two large, strong hands slide around my waist from behind before soft lips dust my temple.
“Are you ready for bed, Mrs. Stanton?”
I smile broadly, Mrs. Stanton. That sounds so good.
“What time is it?” I ask as Joshua starts to slowly kiss my neck from behind.
“Who cares?” he whispers onto my skin.
“We have guests.” I smile as my head tilts by itself to the side to give him greater access.
“This is our wedding. It ends when we say it does, and besides, it’s after twelve.” He nips me and sends goose bumps down my spine.
I smile and continue to stare into the darkness over the water as Joshua wraps himself around me from behind.
I can feel his arousal encase me and I close my eyes to bask in its glow.
“I’m heading off.” Mum smiles.
I turn and smile, take her in my arms and squeeze tightly.