Dr Stantons The Epilogue Read online
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I drop my head. “I was just her friend. Are you sure you have the right person?” I whisper.
“Positive. She was as smart as a whip and you made her last days wonderful. She contacted me six weeks before she died to arrange the details.”
“Gloria…” I whisper.
Cameron drops his head as emotion takes over.
This is something else.
“Now, the house in San Diego hasn’t been visited in ten years, so I have no idea what state it’s in.” She passes over a pile of paperwork with Xs marked where I have to sign. I start to make my way through them with signatures.
Is this really happening?
“And the house in Burbank was where she lived until she went into hospital, so everything inside it is yours, too.”
I stare at her with the pen in my hand. “I can’t believe this,” I whisper.
I sign and sign and sign until I don’t think my hand can take much more. Finally, forty-five minutes later, she hands me two sets of keys and the two title deeds.
I stare at the keys in my open hand then look up at Cameron, and he kisses me softly on the lips. “Congratulations, baby,” he whispers.
“Cameron, this is too much.”
“No, it’s not.” He smiles as he puts his arm around me and leads me out the door. “You deserved this because you loved Gloria.”
“Cam, I wasn’t her friend to get an inheritance.”
He kisses me and smiles softly. “I know, but every day as I listened to you read Pride and Prejudice to her, I fell a little bit deeper in love with you.”
I stare at him through my tears and he pulls me into an embrace. “Let’s go home, Bloss.” He chuckles. “Your house or mine?”
Cameron fusses around in Owen’s bag. “So, you’ve got to take this bag tonight with you over to the other room when you stay there, Owen.”
“Uh-huh,” Own replies as he watches cartoons on television.
Cameron rubs his forehead as he thinks.
I smirk as I watch Cam dart around like a madman. Owen and I are lying on the queen bed, being completely lazy and unmotivated while Cameron is trying to organize us before he leaves for his stag night. It’s 4:00 on Saturday afternoon, and we’re in our luxury suite in Vegas. He’s just about to go.
“Don’t forget your blankie,” he mutters almost to himself as he packs it in the bag.
He power-walks into the other room and then reappears, scratching his head. He mutters to himself and disappears again.
“Daddy’s going cuckoo,” I whisper as I snuggle into Owen.
Owen nods and continues to watch his shows.
“What time are you going out tonight?” Cam asks me as he appears again.
I shrug. “Don’t know.”
“Well, what are the plans?” He frowns.
I shrug again. “I don’t know. There are no plans.”
“No plans?” he repeats. “I thought you had plans.” He walks over and checks the charge on Owen’s iPad, plugging it in while he plays it. “What time did you say you would leave?”
“Oh, I don’t care, we might just stay in bed. Might we, Owie?” I tickle Owen and he laughs as he tries to escape my clutches.
“Owen, don’t forget to take your iPad tonight so you can play it if the other kids are on theirs,” Cameron tells him.
“Okay. Can we get room service, Mom?” Owen asks excitedly.
“Let’s get some milkshakes and fries.” I smile.
“Yes.” Owen punches the air.
“Ash, what time did Tash say that you’re all going out?” Cam asks again as he puts his hands on his hips. “I would like to know what you’re doing.”
“I don’t know.” I frown. “Who cares? We’ll get there when we get there.”
He looks at me flatly.
“What’s your problem?” I smirk. “Why are you so uptight today?”
“What? I’m not uptight. You’re uptight.” He disappears into the other room again.
I laugh. “Yes, that’s why you’ve worn the carpet threadbare this morning with all your pacing.”
“I’m not pacing,” he calls out, annoyed.
He comes back in and stands at the end of the bed and watches me for a moment.
He’s wearing his custom hunky jeans, a navy blazer, and a white shirt. His hair is in its usual style of dark, messy curls, and his beautiful square jaw shines in all its glory.
“You are one beautiful-looking man, Cameron Stanton.” I smile.
He frowns and swallows a lump in his throat, his eyes searching mine. “You love me, right?”
“Like love, love? Like, serious shit love.”
I smile. “As serious as love shit can get.”
“Good. Good,” he whispers to himself.
“Stop saying the naughty word, ‘shit’!” Owen frowns as he plays on his iPad.
“Sorry,” Cam splutters. “But don’t you say it, either, please.”
“Are you all right, Cam?” I ask.
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?” He frowns.
“Because you look like you’re about to throw up.”
He runs his fingers through his hair and suddenly turns to leave like it’s urgent. “Okay, I gotta go.”
I stand to grab him in an embrace and he pulls away quickly. “Got to go, Bloss.” He kisses me quickly and then kisses Owen. “See you tonight.”
“Bye, Cam.” I smile.
He heads for the door and then turns back. “Don’t you want to know where I’m going tonight?” He frowns.
“Not really.” I shrug. “Vegas, I assume.
“Witty,” he replies dryly.
I smile and wink. “That’s me. The witty witch.”
He shakes his head and disappears out into the hallway, and I pick up the phone. “Hello, room service?”
It’s just gone 7:00 p.m. and I’m at a bar with Joshua and Adrian. To go along with the stag night story, we had to pretend to be somewhere else. We’ve had a few drinks and I feel like I’m going to throw up.
“Will you relax?” Joshua smirks.
I drag my hand down my face. “She could say no, you know.”
“She’s not going to say no.” Adrian rolls his eyes.
“Imagine that. I drop to my knee in a crowded club in front of everyone and she says fucking no.” I frown as my stomach drops, and I tip my head back to drain my scotch from its glass.
Joshua laughs. “Would be kind of funny, though, right?”
“Hilarious,” I reply deadpan.
Adrian chuckles.
“Seriously, this is bullshit. I’ve… I’ve felt sick since Wednesday,” I stammer. “Maybe I’m not meant to get married.” I shake my head as I feel perspiration heat my body. “Maybe this is the universe telling me this is a stupid fucking idea.” I pinch the bridge of my nose and then I frown. “What if I fuck this up and she leaves me?” My eyes widen in horror. “Then I’ll be divorced,” I whisper in horror.
“Will you calm down? You’re going to have a heart attack,” Adrian replies.
“Why on earth would anyone get married more than once? This is absolute bullshit.” I frown.
Joshua smirks into his glass. “I would never marry again.”
“Really?” Adrian frowns.
“No.” He thinks for a moment. “Natasha is it for me. If something happened to her I wouldn’t do it again with someone else. She will be my only wife.”
“You can’t say that. Look at Nicholas,” Adrian replies. “He said that, and he eventually got married again. Lucky bastard.”
“Hmm.” Joshua frowns. “Even if she wasn’t here anymore I would be her husband.”
My heart starts to beat hard in my chest. “Someone get me a fucking double scotch immediately. I can’t deal with this shit.”
Joshua laughs and stands to go to the bar.
“Show me the ring,” Adrian asks.
I dig around in my pocke
t and pull out the black velvet box and open it.
It’s rose gold with a three-carat, perfect white diamond sitting proudly. Adrian smiles broadly. “We did good finding this.”
“I should hope so, it took a week. Do you think she’ll like it?” I ask.
“She’s going to love it.”
“I would have liked a bigger one,” I say as I study it.
“She wouldn’t be able to wear it to work then,” Adrian replies. “You want her to have something that she can wear all the time. Not just on special occasions.”
I nod. “Yeah, I guess.”
My phone dances across the table and the name Bloss lights up the screen. I smile and answer. “Hey, hot stuff.”
“Oh, Cammy,” she purrs.
Hmm. I glance up at Adrian and he frowns in question. She only calls me Cammy when she’s drunk.
“I just rang to tell you that Vegas was a great idea.”
“Are you drinking cocktails? How many drinks have you had?” I ask.
“Not many, but oh my God, I’m having the best time. The Amalfi Coasts here are amazeballs.”
I put my hand over the phone. “Great. She’s fucking plastered,” I whisper.
Adrian puts his hand over his mouth in surprise and laughs.
“I love you,” she slurs.
“Where are you, Bloss?” I ask.
“Oh.” I hear her ask the others. “Where are we?”
“In the cocktail bar on level three,” I hear Natasha’s voice in the background. “Near the cute bartender.”
I roll my eyes.
“On level three.” Ashley hiccups. “The waiter is really cute, Cam.”
I smirk. Oh, she’s plastered all right. Ashley has a habit of pointing out good-looking men to me when she’s drunk.
“Have a fun night,” I reply.
I hear all the women giggle like stupid school girls. “Thank you for making me come to Vegas, Cam.” She laughs. “This is, like, the best thing ever!”
I hang up and glance at my watch. “We still have four hours to go and she’s drunk already!” I snap.
Joshua comes back to the table and places the six drinks on the tray on the table.
“Well, this is a fucking disaster,” I grumble.
“What is?” Joshua frowns.
“The girls are hammered.”
He glances at Adrian and they both burst out laughing.
“This isn’t funny. I have four hours to go and she’s drunk now. She won’t make eleven o–fucking-clock. She’ll be asleep in two hours from now.”
Joshua sits on his stool. “At least if she says no she won’t remember you asking.” He sips his drink. “Less awkward.”
“Fuck’s sake,” I whisper.
“Well, let’s just bring it forward.” Adrian frowns.
“No. It has to be at the same time at the same place as the first time we met.”
They sip their drinks as they think.
“And I have the guy lined up to hit on her at eleven,” I add.
Adrian rolls his eyes. “I’m pretty sure she’s going to be hit on about fifty times before then. A hot chick like her doesn’t have to ask for attention, especially if she’s stupid drunk.”
Joshua takes out his phone. “I’ll ring Max.” He dials the number, puts it on speaker, and sits in the middle of the table.
“Hey, boss,” Max answers.
“What are the girls doing right now?” Josh asks.
“Sitting at the bar, drinking some sort of pink cocktail.”
“They drunk?” Joshua frowns.
“Tipsy. The cocktail waiter is chatting with them as he makes them doubles.”
Joshua’s unimpressed eyes flicker to me, and Adrian laughs out loud.
“Great!” I snap. “This is just fucking great.” I shake my head in disgust. “Where are you, Max?” I ask.
“Level three, cocktail bar.”
“Okay, thanks, Max,” Joshua replies flatly. “You have my permission to knock that cocktail waiter out.”
“Roger that.” He hangs up.
I drain my glass.
Joshua smirks as his eyes hold mine.
“Okay.” Adrian holds up his hands. “I’ve got a plan.”
Joshua rolls his eyes. “Here we go.” He sighs.
“We pretend that we’re walking through to the casino and we accidently bump into the girls. Joshua and I distract Ashley while you tell the other two to sober her up.”
I narrow my eyes as I think.
“That’s actually a good idea,” Joshua replies. “She needs to eat something.”
“Yes,” Adrian urges. “Get the girls to take her to dinner and stop drinking for a little while, then it’s all good.” He holds up his hands. “Simple. Crisis averted.”
“Fine!” I snap. “Finish these drinks and we’ll go.”
Fifteen minutes later, we walk into the cocktail bar the girls are in. We hear them before we see them. The three of them are sitting at the bar, laughing loudly, each with an exotic-looking pink cocktail in front of them.
Joshua and Adrian walk over to them and I slowly follow.
This was a bad idea. I should have just proposed at home in private. Why did I think this was a good idea? Yeah. I’m just going to do it another time.
The boys kiss the girls on the cheek as a greeting, and I stand back as I think.
Just at home with the two of us, no pressure.
I feel two hands slink around my waist and look down to see my beautiful girl smiling up at me. Her joy is infectious. “Hello.” I smile.
She smiles goofily up at me. “Hello, my love.”
My eyes hold hers, and in that instant moment my every fear dissipates.
I know this is right.
I love, Ashley. I will always love Ashley.
“Are you having a good time?” I kiss her softly on the lips.
“I am now that you’re here.”
I snake my hand around to her behind. “You’re a terrible liar. I heard you laughing from the lobby.”
She wraps her arms around my neck and nuzzles into my chest, and I widen my eyes at Natasha.
Natasha giggles and bites her bottom lip, sensing she’s in trouble.
“Oh, Ash. Come and show me this drink you’re having.” Adrian distracts her as he holds up the cocktail menu.
I quickly walk over to Natasha and Jenna. “A word in private, you two,” I whisper.
“Yes?” Natasha exclaims, too loud.
“Ssh!” I snap.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” Jenna calls.
“Oh, me, too,” Tash whispers guiltily.
Joshua chuckles and I roll my eyes. They’re about as subtle as a Mack truck.
We walk around the corner, behind the potted plants, and I grab Natasha to stabilize her on her high heels. “What the hell are you doing?” I whisper. “Ashley’s drunk.”
Natasha’s eyes widen in an over exaggerated way. “She is? We only had four drinks, though.”
I glare at her. “And so are you!”
She totters on her heels as she tries to concentrate. “This is true. I think I could be. Oops.” She points at me.
I roll my eyes and glance at my watch. “We still have three and a half hours. You need to sober her up.”
“Yes,” Jenna whispers. “We do.” She starts to bounce up and down on the spot. “Oh, I’m so excited, I might die.”
“Well, the two of you will definitely die if you don’t sober her up immediately,” I snap.
Natasha bubbles up a giggle and points to Jenna. “It’s all her fault. The cute bartender was flirting with her and making our drinks super-strong.”
Jenna laughs. “I need his number.”
“Oh my God. You so do,” Natasha whispers way too loudly.
“Shut up!” I snap. “Fucking focus. You have one fucking job. Get Ashley to 10AK nightclub at 10:30 p.m. sober!”
“Yes, sir.” Natasha giggles as she links arms with Jenna.
“Take her out for dinner and order water to drink. No more alcohol whatsoever,” I demand.
“Yes,” Jenna replies. “Good idea.” She kisses my cheek. “I’m on the job, Cameron. Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”
Hmm. Jenna seems less drunk than the other two.
Natasha scrunches up her face and puts her hand on her hip. “Well, how the fuck are we supposed to say no more drinks to Ashley?”
“I don’t know. Figure it out!” I growl in a whisper.
I walk back around the corner to see Ashley laughing with Joshua. He glances up and smirks at me with a mischievous look in his eye. He knows this is a royal fuck up and he thinks it’s hilarious.
“We ready to go?” I ask. “I think the girls are going out for dinner now.”
“Yes,” Natasha blurts. “I’m starving.”
“Oh, me, too,” Jenna agrees.
Ashley screws up her face. “Really? I’m not hungry at all. Eating’s cheating. Nobody eats in Vegas.”
Joshua and Adrian burst out laughing and I inhale deeply.
This night will be the fucking death of me.
11:00 p.m.
I watch the man talking to Ashley with my heart slamming against my chest.
This is it.
Everyone is over in the corner and the security guards are along the wall.
I grip the ring with white-knuckle force in my pocket.
I’ve never been so nervous.
I see Ashley start to look around for her friends.
Holy fucking fuck!
I make my way over to them. “Is there a problem here?” I ask.
“Who are you?” the guy sneers.
“None of your business,” I reply.
Ashley starts to look around for our security guards.
“Is this dead shit your husband?” the guy asks.
Ashley is looking around for the others as she gets nervous. “No this is.”
My heart hammers hard as I watch her, and I drop to my knee and pull out the ring.
She turns back to me and her eyes widen.
“I’d like to be your husband for real.” I grin up at her, full of hope. “This time in Vegas, things will be different.”
Tears fill her eyes and an unfamiliar emotion runs through me as I smile softly.